Tuesday, September 29, 2009

iJot of the Day: Miguelitoh

A little late today, but here it is. This is one of Miguelitoh's other incarnations.


  1. I'm stuck in some time-space anomaly... I thought I commented here a few minutes ago, but the structure of the cyberworld is shifting still following hive collapse then it's unheralded re-emergence... that said, I like it Girl. I made a mistake of putting my avatar at tpm up for a vote on a blog over there yesterday, and I've agreed to go with public opinion this once. So I'm now a pig at tpm... again. Very cool Ijot amiga.

  2. Yeah, you had me all fatoozled. I didn't know if I should start all over again with the pig. In the end, I went with the amoeba or whatever that little guy is/was. Glad you like.

  3. He seems a bit crabby with dem claws....

  4. I knew TPM would go with the pig. Typical.

    GirlJots keep getting better and better.
